Dynamic Values

Dynamic values let you insert values like date and time at runtime. Take advantage of this feature and do not provide them in a spreadsheet.

KEEP IN MIND: Dynamic values are counted for the locale and time zone you select in spreadsheet. For example for locale Thailand add-on inserts year 2563 instead of 2020.


Inserts current year as four digit number. Examples: 2020, 2563 (Thailand)


Inserts current month number without leading zero. Examples: 2, 10

When option Append zero is selected resulting number has always two digits. Examples: 02, 10

Month Name

Inserts name of current month for selected locale. Examples: May (English), มิถุนายน (Thai)

You can select capitalization where only the first letter is capitalized (May), all letters are uppercase (MAY) or lowercase (may).


Inserts current day number without leading zero. Examples: 2, 29

When option Append zero is selected resulting number has always two digits. Examples: 02, 29

Day Name

Inserts name of current day for selected locale. Examples: Monday (English), วันจันทร์ (Thai)

You can select capitalization where only the first letter is capitalized (Monday), all letters are uppercase (MONDAY) or lowercase (monday).

Hour (12 hour clock)

Insert current hour. 12 hour clock format. Examples: 1, 11, 3

When option Append zero is selected resulting number has always two digits. Examples: 01, 11, 03

Hour (24 hour clock)

Insert current hour. 24 hour clock format. Examples: 1, 11, 15

When option Append zero is selected resulting number has always two digits. Examples: 01, 11, 15


Inserts current minute. Example: 9, 59

When option Append zero is selected resulting number has always two digits. Examples: 09, 59


Inserts current second. Example: 9, 59

When option Append zero is selected resulting number has always two digits. Examples: 09, 59

Milliseconds Since 1970

Inserts milliseconds since 1970. Example: 1589313710561

AM/PM Indicator

Inserts AM/PM indicator. Example: AM

You can select capitalization where only the first letter is capitalized (Am), all letters are uppercase (AM) or lowercase (am).


Inserts universally unique identifier (version 4). Example: a92e0180-6f00-4d00-85b9-4c45ce02a8e6

You can select capitalization where only the first letter is capitalized, all letters are uppercase or lowercase.

User Email

Inserts email address of the current user. Example: john.doe@acme.org

You can select capitalization where only the first letter is capitalized, all letters are uppercase or lowercase.

Date and Time Patterns

With this approach where each part of date or time is independent from each other you can construct any pattern you need. For example, let's have following tags in a template:

    • {{year}}
    • {{month}
    • {{day}}
    • {{month_name}}
    • {{day_name}}
    • {{hour}}
    • {{ampm}}

With mappings:

    • {{year}} => Dynamic Value (Year)
    • {{month}} => Dynamic Value (Month) + append zero
    • {{day}} => Dynamic Value (Day) + append zero
    • {{month_name}} => Dynamic Value (Month Name) + first letter uppercase
    • {{day_name}} => Dynamic Value (Day Name) + first letter uppercase
    • {{hour}} => Dynamic Value (Hour 12 hour clock)
    • {{ampm}} => Dynamic Value (AM/PM indicator) + uppercase

You can achieve any date format you want in the template just surround the tags with characters you want. Let's say right now is May 12 2020 08:00:00 and use some common date patterns:

    • {{day}}.{{month}}.{{year}} => 12.05.2020
    • {{month}}/{{day}}/{{year}} => 05/12/2020
    • {{month}}-{{day}}-{{year}} => 05-12-2020
    • {{year}}{{month}}{{day}} => 20200512
    • {{month_name}} {{day}}, {{year}} => May 12, 2020
    • {{day_name}}, {{month_name}} {{day}}, {{year}} => Tuesday, May 12, 2020
    • {{day_name}}, {{month_name}} {{day}}, {{year}} {{hour}}{{ampm}} => Tuesday, May 12, 2020 8AM