Mapping Editor

Once you have defined a template you want to use the next step is to provide mapping between the merge fields in the template and columns in the source sheet. Basically you need to tell the add-on how each merge field should be processed - as a text value, or as a link, image or QR code. And this is the place where you have to specify it. Each merge field must be mapped either to a column or as a dynamic value.

On the left is a list of all found merge fields from a template. If a merge field is missing double check that is correctly enclosed in double curly brackets. On the right there are options to configure selected merge field.

Source Column

When you are mapping a merge field you can select either a source column or a dynamic value. The drop down list contains all column names defined in header and as the last option is dynamic value.

Merge As

Choose how values from selected column will be processed: